WOW! Check Out Chennai's Tree Ambulance

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 05 2019]

In what seems to be a supremely innovative move, Chennai environmentalist Dr. Abdul Ghani has launched a tree ambulance that aims to provide first-aid-like services to trees. The Green Man of India spoke about his vision saying: “The idea of a tree ambulance is to save trees by caring for sick ones and helping bring back uprooted trees and protect the trees. By 2020, our aim is to have one tree ambulance for all the districts in India.”

The president of the initiative Suresh said: “Cyclone Vardah and Gaja uprooted hundreds of trees in Tamil Nadu and I personally have witnessed the 2015 Chennai floods. Hence, I supported Abdul Ghani for his idea to create a tree ambulance in Chennai. In the whole country, our tree ambulance is the first one which has a hydraulic machine for lifting big trees which will be delivered in a month.”

The ambulance is set to make a tour around the country starting with districts in Tamil Nadu and then each state of India. It is expected to reach the Capital in two months. On this tour, the team will be educating students and the public on the green cover and how to care for trees. The services offered by the ambulance include first aid, seed ball distribution, seed banks, plant distribution, aiding of tree plantation, shifting and survey of trees and removal of dead trees.