Women and technology

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 05 2005]

It is a popular notion that women and technology are not nature born allies.

The female of human species is usually seen to be not so good in handling modern gizmos.

This sweeping generalization, like most things on the womenfolk, is far from true.

Just check out with Jaya, the woman director of Premikulu.

This spunky director has taken recourse to all the latest equipment for her film. Just look at the list: 435 ARRI camera, 24 lens and 1200 zoom and Giraffe, touch-head cranes. Honestly, some male directors in the industry cannot get to pronounce these words.

Premikulu will hopefully be a technically sound film in more ways than one.

The film stars Yuvaraj and Kamna Jethmalini in the lead and is set for June release.