Why did Big B, Chota B meet Shankar?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 22 2016]

For a few days now, it has been speculated that Amitabh and Abhishek Bacchan are playing guest roles in Shankar's 2.0. They were allegedly spotted along with Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar in Jawarhal Lal Nehru stadium in New Delhi.

However, it has been confirmed that Big B and Chota B won't be seen in the movie. It begs the question as to why the Bacchans met the ace Kollywood director in a "well-known hotel" in Delhi. Our hunch is that Shankar has plans to do a film with the Bacchans.

Besies calling on Shankar, Abhishek visited Akshay Kumar, too.

As for 2.0, after completing the Delhi schedule, the team will whizz off to Morocco.