Want to Die in Karnataka - Kothiraj

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 13 2014]

Jyothi Raj alias Kothiraj – the monkey man who climbs high rise buildings and hills without any help taking grip from a powder lost control when he was speaking at the audio release of his maiden film Jyothi alias Kothiraj'.

Remembering the incident when he was coming in the bus and a few youngster cajoling him for coming to cinema as his days are over in climbing Kothiraj felt slightly depressed. At that time Vidhana Soudha stop came and thought of climbing Vidhana Soudha. “There is no need to climb Vidhana Soudha because lot of Kothis' are inside” he felt. It was a hit back for Professor Doddarange Gowda sitting MLC. Prof Gowda did not notice the seriousness of Kothiraj statement and just laughed at it. In fact Kothiraj also did not know that he is including Prof Gowda by making a statement Kothis' (Monkeys) are in Vidhana Soudha.

Repeating the statements has also become the habit of Kothiraj. His adventure and growth of life is appreciable. Why does he time and again tell that he was born in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka gave life for him and for that he wants to die in Karnataka?

In another careless address by Kothiraj – Deepika Das is ready for anything; it surprised the actress. She was asking on the stage what is he telling. Kothiraj changed his statement immediately.

I want to die as Kannadiga. I don't know dupe in my life. Even this pant and coat I am wearing is inconvenient stated Kothiraj. He introduced a lorry driver as his Anna and Appa' and said he look after him like how he look after his son Arjun.

I may not accept films in future but my climbing of rocks will not stop. That is my livelihood and also for those who rely on me. I die in Karnataka climbing rocks expressed Kothiraj. He felt unhappy for cutting off his long hair as two heroines complained on it.

Probably the abundance of support and happiness is making Kothiraj to make liberal speeches.