Disney refuses to allow Spider Man poster on dead 4 year old fan's grave

'Spider Man' fans come in all ages and sizes and one such ardent fan was 4 year old little Ollie Jones of Maidstone, Kent, England who died due to a rare disease called leukodystrophy. His father got someone to dress up as Spidey in the funeral and wanted to put up a poster on the tomsbtone as well.

But when Jones approached Walt Disney Productions to get permission for using the pic on Ollie's tombstone but got the shock of his life when the children-friendly company refused. An official communication read We extend our sincere condolences if we played a small part in Ollie’s happiness we are honored. “Generations of fans have responded to our characters with the same wonder and delight that Ollie did...In fact, many believe the characters to be real. We have striven to preserve the same innocence and magic around our characters that brought Ollie such joy. For that reason, we follow a policy that began with Walt Disney himself that does not permit the use of characters on headstones, cemetery or other memorial markers or funeral urns.”

Jones has sought for help from the internet community and more than twenty-five thousand have signed a petition urging Disney to allow the wishes of the little boy to be fulfilled. The proposed model tombstone picture is posted above.