Now social distancing is important, Vishnu Vishal's message to Jwala!

Coronavirus outbreak has left people restricting themselves to their houses, and many venture out with extreme precautions, only to buy essentials or groceries needed on a daily basis. Corona has also left stars in trouble without shooting.

Badminton player Jwala Gutta, rumoured to be in a relationship with actor Vishnu Vishal, had posted photos of herself with him and tweeted Missing my boo ???? , and in response, Vishnu Vishal gave a responsible reply Its oki..Right now social distancing is important..??pray for all...??

As far as films are concerned, Vishnu Vishal has completed FIR Faizal Ibrahim Raiz, and has movies like Jagajala killadi waiting for release. The actor had also signed the Tamil remake of Telugu hit Jersey, which will be directed by Nelson Venkatesan.