Vishal's Questions to Sarathkumar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,June 01 2015]

Actor Vishal who has vowed that he will wed only after the Nadigar Sangam building is completed has responded to Sangam chief Sarathkumar's allegations that Vishal is trying to cause unrest and confusion among the union members. Vishal has posed four questions regarding the issue.

1. It is said that Poochi' Murugan filing a case is what is hindering the building to take off. Why did the member file the case?

2. Both a single bench and division bench of the court has declared that the agreement for the building is not valid as only two members have signed instead of the stipulated nine members. What is the explanation for this?

3. In last years general body meeting it was accepted by the board of members that if by Pongal 2015, the issue is not resolved then Vishal's plan shall be followed regarding the building. So many months have passed after the agreed date. Why this delay?

4. Actor Kumarimuthu was expelled from the union for using the word Thiruvalar' citing bylaw 13 but the vice president Kaalai has called Vishal a dog. Why no action taken against him ? Is the bylaw only applicable to Kumarimuthu?

Vishal has asserted that he only has justifiable questions for the good of the actor's union and is not creating any confusion among the members. Meanwhile, news is doing rounds that Producer Council chief Thanu is mediating between Vishal and Sarathkumar for an amicable solution to the issue. Details will be out soon and we will have you informed.