Video: Trisha breaks into dance at home

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 03 2020]

Trisha is spending her stay-at-home time creatively and using the lockdown period to catch up with buddies. Recently, she was in a video conferencing call with Allu Arjun and Rana Daggubati. And, latest, she took to TikTok to show off her spontaneous dancing skills.

The forever young stunner is seen wearing black shorts and a loose purple pullover, which are style statements in themselves. There is more. Killer coolers and a yellow-white flower on those adorable ears are the icings on the cake.

The rest is simply bliss as Trish moves to the steps of an English-language song with such sync and energy that you would already be out of your cold seat and dancing your way to dinner and take the other lockdown days with cheer.