Trump to ban immigration into US to protect jobs, fight COVID-19

In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States! Donald Trump has announced, sending across bad news to millions who have had dollar dreams.

Trump's sensational decision comes in the wake of millions of Americans losing their jobs due to the slowdown caused by COVID-19 in recent weeks. There is this view that the US may not be ready to revoke the suspension before 2022.

Trump has come in for criticism for the anti-immigration decision. While he has been against illegal immigration, the latest decision conveys the impression that the Republican Prez is opposed to immigration per se.

His critics are of the view that Trump is merely diverting the attention of the public by taking such decisions. Tests on arrival, random sampling, temperature checks, and exposure notifications based on places visited. These need to be done instead of suspending immigration, a social media influencer writes.

Economist Dany Bahar pooh-poohs Trump and says, It is immigration that is helping the US overcome this crisis. Restricting immigrants is not only shortsighted but also the wrong policy that blatantly ignores the evidence at hand.

An American politician writes, Our scapegoater-in-chief wants to ban immigration to protect us from the Coronavirus? What a sick joke! We are No. 1 when it comes to COVID infections and deaths! Anyone coming to this nation is putting themselves in danger, especially with a derelict incompetent in charge.