The unkindest cut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 21 2005]

Filmdom can sometimes be a difficult place to continue in when others are ganged up against you.

Actor Ajith is perhaps understanding this in a bitter way. The self-made actor who has no godfathers (except the fact that his next release is named Godfather), is now being targetted by certain sections of the industry and is being made the villain in the suicide of producer Khaja Mohideen.

The producer, who is said to have taken 40 sleeping pills and rushed to the hospital last week, has alleged that he suffered losses to the tune of Rs.8 crore after making Jana with Ajith in the lead.

The insinuation here is that Ajith is responsible for his suicide bid.

Ajith, who is in Hyderabad shooting for Godfather, has however chosen to maintain a dignified silence on the issue.

There are many loose ends in Khaja Modideen's story. Firstly, there is skepticism over the fact that he managed to meet the press on the morning after consuming 40 sleeping pills in the night.

Secondly, he has been making wild allegations against all and sundry without really substantiating them. For instance, he is still to name the financier who took away money from him.

Poor Ajith is copping the blame for no fault of his.