Testing times ahead

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 24 2005]

If the last two weeks were pretty lean in terms of new releases, then it was understandable. Every one was waiting for the biggie ---Jai Chiranjeeva.

This Jai Chiranjeeva has released. The openings are nothing to complain about. In fact it is going to be a sell-out weekend in all the places. It is par for the course as far as Chiru’s releases go. The word of mouth for the film is also good.

But anyway the film having been released, the focus now shifts to other movies. This week apart from JC, there is nothing for the box office.

Once the new year dawns things will, however, be different. There are a caboodle of releases waiting in the wings.

Among the big ticket releases are Venky’s Laxmi, Chukkalo Chandrudu, Style. In the January-February period alone at least 12 big films would release.

Now that would be interesting.