Techie couple behind viral shopping list revealed

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 30 2017]

Little did Era Golwalkar know that her handwritten, practical shopping list to her husband, Gaurav, would become viral in just one week that even friends from across continents would notice.

The Pune-based techie couple revealed that this was a regular ritual they followed to ensure that Gaurav, whose grocery shopping skills are not great, buys the correct vegetables. Era is very particular about groceries, while Gaurav has no idea about them, something that he blames on having lived in hostels for a long time. Soon after their marriage in 2014, Era had to leave for the US, from where she would order groceries online for her husband or call up a grocer to deliver. Era returned to India this year and the couple soon realized they had to do divide shopping between themselves, which is when Era came up with the idea of a shopping list with many parameters. She soon devised a shorter and more practical list that has cute little doodles and only three parameters per item. Gaurav posted a picture of one such list on LinkedIn and it soon grabbed the attention of many, who found it hilarious.