Tamil Nadu: Police brutally beats 13-year-old boy for violating lockdown

13-year-old boy from Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore was brutally thrashed by a policeman for violating the lockdown protocols implemented by the state government amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The incident happened on Sunday when a complete lockdown was enforced in the area and the boy was found roaming around the streets in his two-wheeler. The policeman who spotted him allegedly brutally thrashed him using a lathi, leaving the boy injured. Several people condemned the act of the official when pictures of the injuries rhe boy suffered in his thighs and legs surfaced on social media. The city police commissioner then ordered an inquiry into the incident. The boy, who was accompanied by a couple of his friends, attempted to escape when the police found him but the latter caught hold of him after which he thrashed the boy. The 13-year-old narrated the ordeal to his mother who then approached the police.

I have directed the assistant commissioner of police (east sub-division) Eswaran to conduct a detailed inquiry in connection with the issue. He will conduct an inquiry with the minor boys, their parents and Durgaraj (the accused police officer), an investigating official reportedly stated. Further investigation of the matter is currently underway.