"Don't leave us in chaos" - Afghanistan cricket player Rashid Khan pleads world leaders

Afghanistan cricket player Rashid khan made an emotional appeal to the world leaders requesting them not to leave his country in chaos as the Taliban violence has intensified in in the war-torn country in the wake of the ongoing pullout by US-led foreign troops.

The new wave of deadly clashes by Taliban terrorists started in Afghanistan last month. With US and NATO forces announcing that they are withdrawing from the country, the Taliban began an assault on major cities and seized control of several cities. Taliban have also attacked civilians and imposed regressive and barbaric rules in the provinces that fell to them.

Highlighting the pathetic situation of the people of Afghanistan, Rashid Khan wrote, Dear World Leaders! My country is in chaos, thousand of innocent people, including children & women, get martyred every day, houses and properties are being destructed. A thousand families were displaced..Don't leave us in chaos. Stop killing Afghans and destroying Afghanistan. We want peace,

As the government withdrew forces from hard-to-defend rural areas to concentrate on major population centers the Taliban have started to tighten their grip on captured territory in Afghanistan. Hundreds of displaced citizens including minors, elderly people, and survivors of the attack are seeking refuge in Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan.