Suriya to Adopt

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 14 2015]

A language of their own, a livelihood by staking their own breath, a lifestyle reminiscent of history, and yet hardly any recognition. This is the sad story of the Irulas tribe, believed to be the descent of the pre-Dravidian. Having been classified as scheduled tribe is all the recognition they hold. The Irulas are a part of the national population register, but are given no proof of identity. Irula's children are identified by their malnourishment, and they are denied school education. And the tribes were severely affected in the recent floods.

Ethnically living in the Nilgiri mountains, Irulas are found in Tamil Nadu and in Kerala too. While relief and rehabilitation is finding its way to the registered population with an identity and documented account of loss, the Irulas have no means by which they could claim their livelihood back. Amidst the negligence, actor Suriya's Agaram Foundation has come to the rescue of Irulas. Agaram has planned to adopt the villages Nelvai, Kachur and Keragambakkam, which took a solid hitting by water's anger. These villages is home to a large number of Irulas tribe, and Agaram plans to serve them and help put their life back on track.