Suriya and Sivakumar to build a Preview Theater for Nadigar Sangam

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 21 2016]

The new administration of Nadigar Sangam lead by its President Nasser, General Secretary Vishal, Treasurer Karthi, Vice Presidents Ponvannan and Karunas are working day and night to fulfill their poll promise of building a new state of the art building for the Nadigar Sangam.

In the 62nd Annual General Body Meeting of the Sangam held on Sunday, a model of the new building was unveiled. While addressing the media, Nasser said that the construction of the building will begin after the Star Cricket Tournament to be held on April 17 in Chennai. The cricket tournament which will see the participation of all the leading Kollywood stars, was intended to raise funds for the new building.

The building to be constructed will include a wedding hall, a auditorium with a seating capacity of over 1,000, and a preview theater.

Apart from the funds generated from external sources, the long standing members of the Sangam will also bear a good share of expenses. Sangam's General Secretary Vishal said that some members have accepted to bear the cost of building the auditorium. Members have also donated land to build a old age home for the aged and destitute members of the Sangam.

Apart from this veteran Actor Sivakumar and his son Suriya will be funding the entire expenses that would take to build the preview theater.

Vice President Ponvannan revealed the Sangam's plan to give old age pension to senior members of the Sangam who have crossed the age of 60 and financial help for the higher education of the members' children.