Actress accuses man of tagging her in pornographic pictures

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 18 2020]

An FIR has been registered against a man named Flynn Remedios, who has been tagging former Miss India (World) Natasha Suri on obscene pictures.

Actress/supermodel Natasha has claimed that Remedios put up adult content on his portals, and The matter started in November 2019. Somebody started creating fake news articles and started tagging me, and putting objectionable pictures of girls in a bathroom with their faced blurred, and putting the name of some girl called Natasha Suri Singh. This is a non-existent name, but this man Flynn Remedios was doing this for some reason. I am his new target.” Natasha reportedly mentioned in her statement.

She further added, “He started sharing these fake news articles under the garb of Natasha Suri Singh, and because there is only Natasha Suri right now, who is a model, all these instantly got linked with me. He made some fake Twitter accounts and created some horrendous news articles and some bathroom pictures, and circulated it on his portal. He has taken out pictures with no heads from porn sites and written @NatSuri on them. It’s all appearing under my Google name.

An FIR has been registered against him at Mumbai’s Dadar police station. Natasha has featured in the web-series 'Inside Edge' and is also popular for her role in the Malayalam film 'King Liar'.