Success or a failure?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,March 31 2005]

Wheel is an enigmatic symbol.

It means so many things to so many people. For some it symbolizes life's never-ending cycle. For some, it is constant changeability.

The film Chakram is too is giving room to many interpretations.

Some say it is a failure. Some say the opposite.

The film's thinktank has no confusions, however. Otherwise, would they have held a success meet within a week of the film's release?

Talking to the media Prabhas, Krishna Vamsi, Krishnam Raju, Chakri, Siva Raju and Venkat Raju went at lengths to dispel the negative talk surrounding the film.

Krishnam Raju, Prabhas's uncle and his mentor, was the most categorical among the lot. He went on to suggest that Chakram was such a fine movie that it has become the benchmark for future films.

Prabhas, whose acting in the film has come for mixed reviews, said he liked working in the film.

But he made one thing clear, Henceforth, his mass films and off-beat movies ration would be 5:1.

Krishna Vamsi was as usual his dignified self.

Yet, at the end of it all, nobody was clearer about the question that started media meet: Is Chakram a hit or not?

The wheel rolls on.