Sri Reddy reveals shocking reason for actress Malavika quitting cinema

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 05 2018]

Actress Malavika made her acting debut opposite Thala Ajith in 'Unnai Thedi' and went on to costar with him in 'Anadha Poongatre' as well. After many hit movies like 'Roja Vanam' and 'Chithiram Pesuthadi' she quit the movie industry and settled into marital bliss. Sri Reddy the actress who has been exposing Telugu producers and acters indulging in casting couch has stated that senior Tollywood actor Rajendhra Prasad is the reason Malavika stopped acting.

Sri Reddy has posted Mr.rajendra prasad mentally sick person..please join in some mental hospital immediately..i know there is no respect on woman in your dictionary ..wl give clear picture very soon about u sir.. She has then made the shocking allegation Mr.rajendra pichadu ,Why u came out from maa association with in 6 months every one knows, Why heroine malavika left the movie industry every one much u irritate lady artists for the sexual favours every one knows..why your daughter ran away from your house every one knows..why actress hema fought with u??I respect u as a senior actor but not a human being..