SP Balasubrahmanyam tests positive for Covid-19

SP Balasubrahmanyam has contracted the novel coronavirus. The good news is that the beloved singer is doing fine, as it is only a very very mild infection that he has got.

Putting out a self-shot video on Wednesday, SPB said that he is having only a cold as of now. I was having little discomfort because of chest congestion due to phlegm forming. My fever was on and off. This is when I got myself tested. It was discovered that I had got infected with mild Coronavirus, SPB said.

Although he was recommended to stay at home, his family members wanted him to be treated at a hospital.

I am doing perfectly alright. I will be back to normal in a couple of days. I will be discharged from the hospital, SPB added. Reports say that he is being treated at Chennai's MGM Hospital.