SPB Charan gives good news about SPB health

Here is some real good news at last for all those millions of SPB fans who have been praying for his recovery from COVID 19 and his wellbeing. SPB Charan has officially updated through a video that his father has started responding to the doctors and his body too is responding to the medicines and the treatment that has been given to him.

Charan has stated that the doctors have informed him that he is ninety percent off sedation and his vitals seem to be normal. He has added that his family is grateful for all the love and affection bestowed on his father and hopes to give more good news as the days go by.

Charan also added that some people are insisting that he talk in Tamil in his video updates but he clarified that SPB has fans in all languages and he cannot be updating in Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam or Kannada separately.