Sindhu Scaling Heights

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 04 2013]

In a short span of time here is one actress in Kannada cinema scaling heights. That is Sindhu Lokanath. The other day at the audio release of her film ‘Case No.18/9’ Sindhu Lokanath was at her natural best answering questions from director of the film Mahesh.

What is the impact you expect from this ‘Case No.18/9’ was the question put to Sindhu Lokanath. I might get maid servant job after this film on a monthly salary. I would put conditions to such offers. In a lighter vein the actress with nearly 10 films to her credit in a short span answered.

Sindhu Lokanath getting fame from ‘Lifu Ishtene’ got series of offers like ‘Yaare Koogadali, Drama, Nan Life Alli, Jai Bajarangi, and Coffee with my Wife, Prachanda, Telugu film Mr Lavangam and she had already acted in ‘Vada Poda Nanbargal’ Tamil film.

For doing the role of maid servant in ‘Case No.18/9’ Sindhu Lokanath observed the nature of real life maidservants to give natural feel.

A model for print and corporate ads like Nlli Silks, Samyak, Lawerence and Mayo, Assendas India, Radio One, Arogya Milk, Lancer and Developers, Canara Bank etc Sindhu Lokanath believes in learning new things every day.

Just 26 years of age Sindhu Lokanath has learnt western and contemporary style of dance besides power dance.

As of now two of her important films in which she is maid servant in ‘Case No.18/9’ and house wife that is head of the house in ‘Coffee with my Wife’ are ready to hit the silver screen.

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