Actress Shraddha Kapoor has set the fashion circuits buzzing with a long list of fashion designers looking forward to get the glam girl onboard. After a super successful year and basking in the glory of a commercial success, Ek Villain and a critically acclaimed film Haider, Shraddha has made her statement in fashion circles with the numerous magazine covers and ramp shows. It`s amazing how she manages to pull off such versatile looks, with much ease.

At the Blender`s Pride Fashion Tour 2014, Shraddha turned showstopper for ace designer Gaurav Gupta. Gaurav had designed a golden green gown for Kapoor which was complemented by dramatic eye make-up and a high hair bun to complete her look. Needless to say, Shraddha was quite a head turner last night. This is the second time that Shraddha has walked for Gaurav Gupta.

When asked, the Kapoor girl revealed, "I took this up because I truly believe in Gaurav & his work and I think that his designs are fun and edgy. It`s always fun to walk for him." Well, we must say that the gorgeous actress has indeed carried the designer`s creation and vision with much finesse! Needless to say, we`re mighty impressed by this fashionista in tinsel town!

Actress Shraddha Kapoor has set the fashion circuits buzzing with a long list of fashion designers looking forward to get the glam girl onboard. After a super successful year and basking in the glory of a commercial success, Ek Villain and a critically acclaimed film Haider, Shraddha has made her statement in fashion circles with the numerous magazine covers and ramp shows. It’s amazing how she ma