Post the well-acclaimed film 'Haider', Shraddha Kapoor is grabbing good attention with her moves and grooves, through the trailer of her next, 'ABCD 2'. While all are eagerly waiting for this dance musical, let's share you something interesting facts about this pretty, young and talented actress... Seven things you did not know about Shraddha...

Shraddha Kapoor prefers talking over the phone more than texting.

This 'Aashiqui 2' beauty loves to shop for pants. She has a huge array of pants.

Shraddha is not really a tech freak.

Shraddha loves the sight of the sea. The actress who stays by the sea side, looks at the sea as soon as she wakes up.

Shraddha loves tea but off late she has shifted to green tea.

Shraddha is extremely attached to her dog, Shyloh.

Shraddha drinks a lot of water, about 6-7 litres a day.

Post the well-acclaimed film 'Haider', Shraddha Kapoor is grabbing good attention with her moves and grooves, through the trailer of her next, 'ABCD 2'. While all are eagerly waiting for this dance musical, let's share you something interesting facts about this pretty, young and talented actress... Seven things you did not know about Shraddha...