Show owner talks about show topper

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 09 2007]

The owner of Abirami Megamall Sv Rm Ramanathan spells out the strategy behind distributing Sivaji in maximum theatres in Chennai in a candid interview to Indiaglitz.

In a quick chat, Ramanathan, the Chennai distributor for the mega movie says, “The flick will be released in maximum number of theatres (18 screens) in Chennai to ensure that everyone get an opportunity to watch the movie. This would help prevent privacy”, he says.

Throwing statistics, Ramanathan says,” Chennai has a population of one crore. On an average, 15,000 people can watch the movie in one show in 18 screens put together. It means that a total of 60,000 can watch Sivaji on a single day”.

His wife and executive director of Abirami Megamall, Nallamai Ramanathan says that Rajni looks very stylish in the movie and no doubt Sivaji would rock.

According to R Sivalingam, of Abirami, Sivaji is good clean comedy and action film.