Shahrukh Khan's 'Pathan' will amaze the audience with this action scene

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 02 2021]

There's a lot of buzz around Shahrukh Khan's comeback project 'Pathan'. This highly anticipated and ambitious project. Makers are trying all they can to give the audience something epic and unexpected. It's been revealed now that the film will feature a large scale action sequence set inside Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world.

A source close to the development stated, The idea is to go one notch above what’s already done so far. Apart from Mission Impossible and Fast and Furious franchise, not many films have been shot inside Burj Khalifa, and Pathan will be among the first few Indian films (probably the first) to have actual visuals of the tower from inside. A big scale action scene centered around Burj Khalifa is in the offing from the team of Pathan.

Burj Khalifa is an international tourist icon and it just might help 'Pathan' get a global recognition.