Shah Rukh Khan in Kamal Haasan's most challenging character

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 16 2016]

After the mixed response for his last release 'Fan', Bollywood Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan is expected to bounce back with 'Raes' scheduled to hit the screens for the Republic day weekend of 2017

Now we learn that the King Khan will team up with director Anand.L.Rai of 'Tanu Weds Manu' fame and he will be acting as a dwarf in this film. Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan acted as a dwarf in his 1989 blockbuster 'Aboorva Sagodharargal and Anupam Kher has acted as dwarf in Salman Khan starrer 'Jaan-E-Mann'.

Hope Khan will take a cue from these two veterans. Moreover , it is said that Anand and his creative team have planned to resort to graphics for the dwarf portions and there will be very minimal physical effort required from Shah Rukh to play a dwarf. The graphics team of Hollywood blockbuster 'Lord of the Rings' is likely to be roped in for the project.

It is also rumored that Anand is keen on getting Deepika Padukone as the female lead of this film.

We will have to wait for official announcement about the cast and crew and also about the commencement of the project.