It is Pandavar Ani's Victory and Not my Defeat- Sarathkumar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 19 2015]

The outgoing President of the Nadigar Sangam, Sarathkumar has graciously accepted his defeat and has also expressed his happiness over Nasser becoming the new President. The Supreme Star further stated that he would like to think of the result as Nasser's victory and not his defeat

Sarath requested the new team to let go off past differences and everyone should work together for the unity of the Sangam. The outgoing president added that he is ready to debate about the merits of the existing SPI Cinemas agreement and if the decision is against it he is willing to cooperate with the new team in dissolving it. Sarath gave his assurance that he will work tirelessly towards the betterment of the Nadigar Sangam.