Sarath Kumar in a Malayalam remake

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 20 2007]

Sarath Kumar will be playing the lead role in a movie titled Singam. It is a remake of the Malayalam film titled Lion which starred Dileep in the lead role. Directed by Joshi, the movie was remade in Telugu featuring Dr Rajasekhar.

The movie is reportedly directed by Ramesh, who directed Sarath Kumar’s Gambheeram before.

Ramesh Babu, who produced movies including Paramasivan and Pokkiri is expected to produce Singam.

Meanwhile, the shooting for Sarath Kumar’s Vaitheeswaran is on at full pace. The movie features Meghna Naidu opposite Sarath.

Interestingly, Dileep’s CID Moosa is currently being remade in Tamil as Cheena Thana starring Prasanna and Sheela.