Sabitha Jayaraj turns heroine

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 20 2010]

Sabitha Jayaraj, the wife of famous director Jayaraj, who had also been the costume designer of many of his films will turn a heroine with a new movie.

Sabitha, who had also acted in many of Jayaraj’s films, will be the heroine to Jayaram for the new movie ‘Pakarnnattam’ which is directed by Jayaraj. Jayaram will be Thomas in the film while Sabitha will appear as Meera. The movie will be scripted by the director himself in the storylines of Adv. C.P.Udhayabhanu.

Sabitha had earlier been in many films like ‘Loud Speaker’, ‘Gulmohur’ and ‘Madhyavenal’ in notable roles.