Chennai Youngster steals expensive bike from showroom!

An unexpected incident of a youngster in Chennai posing as a customer, getting away with an extremely expensive bike from a showroom in the name of test drive, has shocked people. Following the incident, police is on the lookout for the criminal who has been absconding since.

The incident took place in a Royal Enfield showroom in Tamabaram Sanatorium, and a youngster had entered the showroom, dressed formally and wearing a cap. The stranger had enquired details regarding various bikes to the sales executive, following which he had given his license copy, and took a bike for test drive.

The person had took a bike worth 3 lakhs, and had not returned for a long time, and following this, the showroom staff were shocked, and tried contacting the person's mobile number, which was switched off. Even the License proof furnished was a fake one, and cops are now on the lookout for the criminal with the CCTV footage from the showroom.