Rotary Club of Guindy Enters India Book of Records for a unique concept art - Deets inside

As a part of the World Polio Day initiative, the Rotary Club of Guindy under the leadership of President Rtn. Mothish Kumar organized a Cycling GPS Art on October 21 2021. It's like a digital rangoli where the city of Chennai was used as the canvas and the cyclist's tracks with GPS tracker as paint.

The mission was a first-of-its-kind attempt and a unique concept in the Rotary world in support of one of Rotary International’s main objectives to “Eradicate Polio” from the face of the Earth. Following this unique event entered under the India Book of Records 2021 for the Longest GPS Art through cycling by a team to stop the infectious disease.

Last Wednesday 23-02-22 Lt.Gen. Arun once again captivated the audience by sharing his GPS Art End polio now cycling event by revealing the Medal and Certificate from India Book Of Records and delivered mementoes to all the participants along with, Chief Guest Rtn. Satyan Bhatt and president Rtn Mothish Kumar. The pictures and videos of the same are currently going viral on social media platforms.