Regina Cassandra trolls fans with nude photo

Regina Cassandra debuted in Tamil as a fifteen-year-old in the romantic comedy 'Kanda Naal Mudhal' directed by Priya V and starring Prasanna, Laila and Karthik Kumar She later gained stardom playing Sivakarthikeyan's pair in 'Kedi Billa Kiladi Ranga' directed by Pandiraj and there is no looking back after that.

Regina is now one of the most sought after leading ladies in Tamil and Telugu cinema and has gained the reputation for doing full justice to the characters she plays. The stunning actress celebrated her birthday on December 13th and thousands of fans joined celebrities in wishing her on social media.

Regina then posted a scorching photo of her on an exotic location wearing shorts and wrote Thank you for your wishes and blessings this means the world to me. She also wrote Swipe left for nudes.

Needless to add that there was a virtual scramble among her followers to get to the page and lo and behold Regina did not cheat them and posted a dress-less image of herself but with a catch.

It turned out to be a super cute adorable pic of Regina as a little kid getting ready to take a bath in a bathtub. Well, the pretty actress had the first and last laugh on this one leaving the perverted minds red in the face.

Regina's next release in Tamil 'Chakra' co-starring Vishal and Shraddha Srinath in which she is reportedly playing the chief antagonist.