Ramya Barna - Cool Going

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 30 2010]

Like a whiff of fresh air on Kannada screen the cool breeze in her looks Ramya Barna, well educated and made a riveting presence in ‘Neenyare’ is looking for fine opportunities to perform in her career. One film in Telugu and Tamil now caught up with fabulous offer in director cum producer Yogaraj Bhat film ‘Pancharangi’. She has also signed a Tulu language film that goes on floor soon.

Ramya Barna known for sweet looks, good temperament, and urge to conquer something notable, daring in her nature (she drives both motorbike and Car) is not the usual kind of heroine. She knows pretty well what she wants. That is the reason she warded off many prime offers for lack of substance in her roles in film.

To star in the direction of eminent director Yogaraj Bhat is a major boon in the career. After this film I am looking for career growth in good speed with good role, she says. While working for this film at Mangalore and other locales Ramya Barna put on two kilograms of weight eating ice creams twice a day.

A Telugu film ‘Kshudra’ and Tamil film ‘Madhya Chennai’, Ramya Barna with a degree in Tourism and Travel is currently doing MBA from Manipal Sikkim University by correspondence. She firmly believes education is very important in the progress of life.

I have to reach the situation of offers coming to my door step. For that I am confident of delivering good performance but opportunity for varied roles should keep on coming, Ramya Barna hopes.

In ‘Pancharangi’ she plays Nidhi Subbaiah's sister. It is a typical sibling love found around in the society, she points to the nature of the role. My portion in the film ‘Pancharangi’ is similar to real life and I too have a sister in my home she says.