Ram Charan launches revolutionary product

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,April 16 2016]

Ram Charan has turned a brand ambassador for Apollo JIYO. JIYO is touted as a "revolutionary first-of-its-kind wellness digital personalised platform for each employee with the aim of getting "corporate India healthy". This product, designed in association with Deepak Chopra, was launched in New Delhi on April 14.

Speaking on the occasion, Charan said, “Fitness, wellness and well-being are very important not only for actors but for everyone in today's highly competitive and connected world. We often find ourselves stressed and over worked and this revolutionary product shall help resolve these issues of a rapidly urbanising India. This product is a must for every corporate employee and citizen as they navigate their busy lives. Take care of your body and your body will take care of u. The objective behind Apollo Jiyo is to “Uberise” wellness through individualised healthcare information, products and services to the community through curated unique resources. This platform helps me keep up to date with the latest in Wellness from across the globe. With internationally acclaimed fitness experts, nutritionists and wellbeing experts on the panel of JIYO, this will become the one stop for my wellness.”