Rakul Preet: I slapped Him Because He...

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 07 2017]

SPYder actress, Rakul Preet Singh has always been pretty open about her personal life. Being the bubbly-natured girl that she is, she opened up about some interesting news and updates that happen in her life at an interview.

She was recently promoting her upcoming flick SPYdertarring next to Prince Mahesh and she was asked if she had slapped anyone.

She answers "I was followed by a man and at an instant when I looked back, he turned so close to me that I could not control my anger. He even revealed that he has been following me for a long time after which, I gave him a tight slap."

Good thing! Creepy men and perverts deserve many more slaps.

"I generally don't turn angry but once if I do, it is hard to control it" she further added.

Looks like Rakul is pretty handy with those who try to break into her personal space and creep her out!


Go Rakul!

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