Rachana Narayanankutty gives stinging reply

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,February 27 2015]

Rachana Narayanankutty has given a stinging reply to those miscreants behind spreading a fake porn photo in her name. In her conclusive post, she berates the person who has shown such 'immense brains' in finding out such a photo of some girl in the internet that resembles her.

She asks what wrong she has done to that person and the kind of third rate culture of such people. She notes that these 'big hearted' people are definitely those that do not respect the women in their own homes and beat up their mothers without any remorse. Rachana also takes to task those voyeurs who took part in this dirty business as onlookers and those who spread it and others who encouraged such an act. She concludes that those who knows her knows the truth and the others can keep scratching.