Purvanchal 'Varsity VC urges students to be violent

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 31 2018]

Rajaram Yadav, Vice-Chancellor of Purvanchal University in Uttar Pradesh, has shocked his peers and students alike by urging the students to take to violence in case of skirmishes among them. He even went to the extent of asking them not to come to him with complaints and instead urged them to take others’ lives, if the need arose.

Usually, the vice-chancellor of any University is expected to instill in the minds of students and the younger generation the advantages of behaving in a non-violent manner in public. However, going beyond his mandate and setting aside the accepted norms of how to speak in public, Yadav has made some startling observations at a recent meeting by encouraging violence.

Yadav was speaking at a Ghazipur seminar when he uttered the highly objectionable comments. “Whenever you guys get into trouble with your peers, don’t come to me with a list of complaints against each other; sort it out among yourselves and even if you commit a murder in doing so (sorting out), we shall take care of it,” Yadav told students who appeared visibly shocked at the advice they were getting.

Controversy has erupted in the State with prominent educationists and parents of students of various schools/colleges/universities demanding immediate sacking of Yadav from his responsible post of the vice-chancellor of a University.