TN government introduces Public bed request to facilitate real time access.

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,May 24 2021]

Covid second wave has hit us hard and while we fight together Tamilnadu government has introduced ' Covid war room ' which can help people find non O2 bed, Bed with Oxygen, drugs and intensive care units.

The online portal helps the seeker find a bed of their convenience in real-time. The public can now access the portal to book the bed by providing basic information like name, address details, type of bed needed, and other details. The patient can opt for a bed in a government or private hospital according to their convenience. The portal also has columns to fill in about the symptoms and comorbidity of the patient.

After all the appropriate data is submitted, a ticket is provided and a doctor is assigned to handle and allocate bed and other requirements. For further inquiry and assistance, Tamil Nadu government has also provided emergency helpline number 104.

The assigned doctor calls back to the seeker and proceeds with a triage reassuring the symptoms and details to establish priorities. The details are then forwarded to the Bed management department and the availability of the beds and other information are provided in no time.

Public Bed Allocation -