Pubg craze reaches Kollywood : Look who is dressed up for the battle


Player unknown's battle ground is a online multiplayer battle royale game. The craze for this game in India is overwhelming, though it had its pros and cons, the game was banned in India by the central government for various reasons.

This fad has now reached the celebs too, a recent cosplay of A. Rajendran also known as Motta Rajendran as a PUBG character is going viral in social medias. He is seen dressed in the basic costume of PUBG, with white shirt and blue pant. In one of the image he was seen replicating it with metal helmet and short gun.

Though the source of this picture is unknown, from the jail background we can predict that it is from the sets of a new film he is shooting. While PUBG is yet to be launched again in India this has come as a double treat for fans.

On the professional front Rajendran currently has half a dozen movies in hand. It is also note worthy that he started his career as a stunt double and became famous after his villainous role in Naan Kadavul.