Private and personal celebrations

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 14 2005]

It was a quiet and a private birthday celebration for Venky.

The lanky hero, who turned 46 yesterday, kept his celebrations confined to his family and a close circle of friends.

Of course, there was a small function at the Ramanaidu Studios organized by his fans. But, then again, it was also a low-key affair.

Venky generally prefers it to keep things personal and private his celebrations.

Venky, the eternal do-gooder, chose to hand over some money to Saving Little Heart Foundation. The money was raised in conjunction with his fans.

This small thing over, Venky headed back to his home to have a quiet,personal celebration with near and dear.

Venky is currently doing Laxmi. The audio of the film that was scheduled for release yesterday will now be released on 17 December.

The movie is set for Sankrathi release.