Precariously perched at a precipice

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 17 2004]

Film business is a funny business.

Just a few months ago, Tarun, the eternal lover boy of Telugu films, was the darling of the film producers.

He was popular among the masses and hence the producers were making a beeline to his place. But things have changed dramatically since then.

The delay in the release of Sakhiya (Naa Thora) was a sign that everything was not going right for Tarun. Now that the film has been released, and bombed, things have really come to a head.

The lover boy now looks tragedy struck more than ever.

The poignancy is heightened, as most producers who had evinced to do film with him are no backtracking.

The situation is so bad that Tarun who had been committed to Chanti Adala's film was almost dropped from it. As it happened, Raja, who is the other hero of the film, now looks secure and sound after the surprise success of the year Anand.

After much persuasion and cajoling, the producer has decided to play Tarun alongside Raja.

So it is make or break time for Tarun.