Prakash Raj helps stranded people get back home!

Ever since the lockdown was implemented in India after the Coronavirus pandemic, many celebrities have been actively involving themselves in helping people impacted by the situation, either financially or by providing relief materials.

One of the most prominent actors to have helped people is actor Prakash Raj, who helped by providing relief materials for FEFSI employees, paid 3 months salary for his staff in advance and also helped few stranded workers by giving them accommodation in his farm. Now the actor is sending the stranded workers back home with the relaxations in lockdown 3, and has shared a tweet about this.

Prakash Raj posted Making arrangements with the authorities for the safe passage of 31 stranded citizens with whom I had shared my farm since lockdown. it was a joy to stand by them NOT DONE YET.MILES TO GO will continue to reach out to the needy. Let’s celebrate humanity. Let’s give back to life.