Another Pollachi girl exposes her rapist who is blackmailing her

The higher level investigations have started on the gruesome rape and blackmail of allegedly 100 women in Pollachi by the four-member gang of Thirunavukkarasu, Sabarirajan, Satheesh and Vasanthakumar. The city has experienced another shock as one more girl has lodged a complaint with the police about her rapist and blackmailer.

The unnamed girl has given an interview to a leading Tamil television channel stating that based on the announcement by the Cops that women can come forward to lodge their complaints she had approached them. She has claimed that she was in love with a man for the past three years and he had exploited her and had taken photographs in compromising positions.

The person had then blackmailed the girl threatening to expose those intimate photos spreading them on social media and whatsapp message to her dad. The culprit had then allegedly extorted money from her to buy bikes, cellphones and other amenities. The girl has further added that many other girls who were had similar experience with the man had contacted her but were reluctant to lodge police complaints.

The girl had also made the shocking revelation that 100 women were working under the rapist and many could have been abused by him. He had further bragged to her that he is a drug smuggler. This person is not connected to the Pollachi gang rape case but is similar to those accused and whether the police take action against him will be known in the coming days.