Opinion poll predicts Rajini's performance in upcoming elections

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 04 2018]

It’s a well-known fact that Rajinikanth has been actively involved in setting up his party. It should be also noted that he has completed electing the leaders for his Rajini Makkal Mandram. He had earlier stated that he aims to contest in all 234 constituencies during the state assembly elections.

Meanwhile, Republic TV had organized a poll to predict how many constituencies would Rajini be able to get in the elections. As per the poll results, Rajini would get 23 constituencies, DMK will get 14 and AIADMK will win 2 constituencies. On a national scale, it predicted BJP to win 255 constituencies and Congress 68 constituencies.

It should be noted that national parties like BJP and Congress were predicted to not even win a single constituency. However, these polls cannot be totally relied upon and thus we will have to wait for the real verdict.