New trekking rules after Kurangini forest fire deaths

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 13 2018]

The death of 22 persons who went trekking to Korangini forests in Theni put the nation in grief and shock. A senior IAS officer was appointed to conduct an investigation into the matter and now a set of new recommendations have been given to the government based on the investigation.

New Rules

-Organizations which have registered with the forest department will only be allowed to conduct treks.

-If a group wants to go trekking they need to get a permission from the District Forest Officer, Wildlife Warden, and Deputy Director n Tiger reserves.

-The trekking routes will be of three categories namely easy-moderate and tough.

-Different tariffs for domestic and foreign trekkers. Easy routes- Rs.200, Moderate routes- Rs.300 and Tough routes Rs.500.

-Foreigners easy route- Rs. 1500, moderate route- Rs.3000, tough route- Rs.5000

-Easy and moderate trekking routes require at least one guide for the trekking group

-Tougher routes should have a guide and additionally a forest department employee