Actress exposes man who tried for one night sex with her

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,November 23 2018]

Actress Neha Saxena has starred as Arjun's pair in 'Oru Melliya Kodu' and has also acted with Mammootty and Mohan Lal in Malayalam films such as 'Kasaba'.  Apparently a man in Dubai has got in touch with Neha's manager and has tried to fix her for a one night stand sex.  The actress has however replied that she would make him famous instead and has angrily posted about the incident on social media.

Neha's post reads Friends from UAE help me to get this guy traced ASAP ... Because of these kind of men entire male population gets triggered and framed being wrong all the time. Such loser should get punished. If u all really have little respect towards females. Do teach this Dog a lesson. He sent this message to my PR Manager look at his Audacity.
I am Sending this to all media now. Let him learn a tough lesson now... And let his family also know what mindset he carries for other females .. Shame.  I am not at all scared  to raise voice against wrong things. I stand for myself and my self respect and self respect for all other women. Not being “FEMINIST”here but being Right here and fighting for the  Right Thing

Neha has continued .. I will make sure such dogs get punished .. more than an actress I am a woman .. and today If I don’t raise voice being a celeb then what example I will set for every other ordinary gal out there who are struggling and suffering through all this every now and then ???? We all say India should change .. 

honestly speaking India will only change if we as an individual take the responsibility to bring in the change in the society then only India will change and such dogs will be vanished from the society .. there won’t be any more Nirbhaya or Jisha.  I stand for myself and for every other woman out there who is going through such harassment .. this is me and I will never change myself because others are doing different things