Title – Nanjundi Kalyana, Producer – Srirama Talkies, Direction – Rajendra Karanth, Music – Anoop Seelin, Cinematography – Manjunatha Nayak, Cast – Thanush Shivanna, Shravya, Kuri Pratap, Padmaja Rao, Rajendra Karanth and others.
This film ‘Nanjundi Kalyana’ has nothing to do with 1989 block buster ‘Nanjundi Kalyana’. This 2018 film is a laugh riot from start to finish.
Known for hilarious moments in his works and speeches theatre artists Rajendra Karanth has brought in a gay and lesbian in the story line.
The protagonist Thanush is compelled to make his friend Kuri Pratap change the get up of a girl. The fun starts from this point of time in the film. Rajendra Karanth has written story, screenplay, and dialogue besides direction.
KM Prakash editor, Imran Sardaria dance, Thriller Manju stunts add in the romantic and action portions of the film.