Picture of couple doing it on top of Egyptian Pyramid prompts international investigation

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 13 2018]

An investigation has been launched by the Egyptian authorities on a video posted by a Danish photographer, which shows him and a woman scaling the Great Pyramid of Giza with the woman taking her top off towards the end of the video. He has also posted a picture of the two of them posing naked in a sexual position atop the pyramid.

Andreas Hvid posted the video across various platforms of social media recently. It wasn’t received well by both the general public of Egypt and Egypt’s government. Although the authenticity of the video is questionable since the picture appears to be too bright whereas the video is dark and seems to have been shot at night. There’s also the fact that nobody is really allowed to enter the pyramid at night.

Hence, Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities has ordered prosecutors to scrutinize the validity of the video to find out if Hvid and his model friend “really filmed an explicit pornographic video atop the pyramid.”

In an exclusive interview to a Danish outlet, Hvid admitted that the photos are indeed real and that he had been obsessed with the venture for years. He apparently snuck across the fence and slowly made his way into the pyramid. He described the feeling as ‘euphoric’ and the view as ‘magical’.

Hvid and his friend took their weird fantasy a bit too far, and they need to stay out of Egypt in the future if they wish to not end up behind the bars.