Naked lovers die after falling from third floor balcony while having sex

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 04 2019]

It is but natural for lovers to make out any time, any manner and any place when the opportunity is provided. But a recent incident proves that they should be cautious about their surroundings. A 28-year-old woman and her 35-year-old boyfriend had apparently had wild sex on the balcony of her third-floor house and in their intense moment were unmindful of the height of the balcony wall and slipped over and fell to their death.

The incident happened at a neighbourhood in Carapungo district in Ecuador and a neighbour who heard a loud crash rushed outside to find the naked bodies of the couple in a pool of blood. Neighbours have sadly informed the authorities that the woman was a single mother with an eight-year-old girl child and that she had thrown a party to celebrate her upcoming graduation. The Ecuador police have registered a case and are conducting an investigation.